We understand this is a crazy time for those of you who are currently pregnant. No matter how far along you are, COVID-19 is impacting your daily life as well as your regular doctor visits. As Doulas we empathize with how inconsistent things are right now and we believe that now, more than ever before, Doula support can be beneficial early in your pregnancy.
Personalized Attention
Hiring a doula early allows us to support you through every stage and obstacle you come across. When you hire us, you are assigned a team of two doulas who are available to you 24/7 to answer your questions and help you create a plan for what you want your pregnancy to look like.
We are still limiting the number of clients we will take so that you are our first priority. While practitioners are understandably busy and stressed right now, we know how to help you navigate decisions regarding in office visits, various tests and daily life as a pregnant woman in the midst of a pandemic.
Evidence Based Information
As birth professionals, we continually work staying up-to-date with the latest evidence based information so that we can better support you and decisions you may have to make. No matter what the situation, we’re here to help you navigate the risks and benefits and what is best for you and your family. From tests offered in the office, questions about pain management options and/or what’s currently available at your birthing place or even something as simple as the best registry items to help you feel best supported when bringing baby home. We can be your go-to for less overwhelming information.
We know that this time at home can feel isolating, so every week we are providing a video call for community based connection with our expecting families. You will get to know other expecting parents and be able to develop a sense of community that can be hard to establish right now due to less in-person options, especially when it comes to birth preparation classes you may have been looking forward to!
While Covid-19 has left many things uncertain, it is important to have a constant. We are here to support you through your entire pregnancy, focusing on helping you be able to feel comfortable, empowered and able to celebrate the upcoming birth of your baby.